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The Complete Co-Educational Day and Boarding School

20x20 Week

20x20 Week

The 20x20 Campaign is a National Campaign for the promotion and development of females in sport.

It started in 2018 with three main goals;

  • Increase attendance at womens matches by 20%
  • Increase media coverage by 20%
  • Increase participation of women in sport by 20%

All this to be achieved by 2020 and to then continue the progress made from there.

This week (24th to 27th November) we are trying to increase awareness for this campaign and identify how each one of us in Wesley can help bring it forward. Wesley are celebrating and supporting the 20x20 campaign. Each day there are different activities going on for students to engage with in tutor class, during break times and after school.


Art Competition

Are you a Katie Taylor fan? Who is your favourite Irish sports women, or world female sports icon? Do you play sport? Have you an eye on an upcoming star? Leinster sportswoman in hockey? Maybe you know them personally in this school?

Choose your favourite sport or sportswoman and make a portrait, poster, photocollage, picture, cartoon, logo, inspirational quote, using any media to inspire future girls in sport.

Please send any digital art by email to your PE teacher, or bring any original artwork to the PE office with your name, year group and a short note explaining the idea behind your work by Friday 27th of Nov/Friday of this week.

There are plenty of prizes to be won so make sure to get involved in this Art competition and the basketball hoops competition happening at breaktimes all this week.

