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The Complete Co-Educational Day and Boarding School


Design and Communication Graphics


Design and Communication Graphics is a new course replacing Technical Drawing at Senior Cycle.  The course includes the study of design, freehand drawing, elevation and plans, problem solving, 3D drawing, perspective drawing, computer 3D drawings, Computer Aided Design (CAD), model-making and engineering drawing.  The main change from the old course is the use of computers to draw in 3D and the introduction of an assignment.  The course is assessed in two main areas: an end-of-year drawing exam worth 60%, and an assignment worth 40%. The assignment involves design, freehand drawing presentation and the use of CAD and ICT.  


It is not necessary to have studied Technical Graphics /Technology/ Materials Technology at Junior Certificate in order to take up this subject at Senior Certificate. This subject is offered at Ordinary and Higher Level. 


Drawing Exam (June) 60%
Project (Completed by February of final year) 40%

5th Year


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
3D drawing Drawing the Hyperbola Animation CAD
Orthographic drawing Assignment Management Presentation CAD
Model making Intersection and Development Drawing Web research
CAD and computer drawings Study of Function, Ergonomics ICT and CAD software
Printing and Plotting Aesthetics Internet, digital camera and presentation
Design systems Assembly drawings Assignment
Freehand drawing Colouring and rendering Selection of two options
Perspective drawing
Polygon Drawing
Drawing the Ellipse and Parabola

6th Year

 Follows same outline as 5th Year.

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