The Leaving Certificate History Syllabus concerns political, economic, and social and cultural history. The same material is covered for both Higher and Ordinary Level. In Wesley College we cover the Later Modern field of study 1815-1993. This field of study comprises 12 topics, of which six relate to Irish history and six to the history of Europe and the wider world. From among these topics students will study two in fifth year and two in sixth year. One topic is prescribed by the examining authority for the documents-based study. For 2022 and 2023, it is “Politics and Society in Northern Ireland, 1949-1999”. Students, therefore, study two topics from European history - “Dictatorship and Democracy 1920 - 1945,” and “The United States and the World, 1945-1989,” and two from the history of Ireland: “The Pursuit of Sovereignty and the Impact of Partition, 1912-1949” and Politics and Society in Northern Ireland, 1949-1999 (Documents Based Question).
The Higher Level exam will consist of four questions, each worth 20% of the overall grade. The documents-based study is one of those questions and is where students will be tested on their evidence-handling skills. The remaining three are essay based questions, one on each of the other topics studied, and this is where students should supply plenty of accurate, relevant, historical information.
There is a fifth element to the course, also worth 20% of the overall grade. This is the Research Study Report and will involve the study of a subject of historical significance chosen by the student, under the direction of the teacher. Each student compiles a report on the results of his/her study which is submitted to the examining authority for marking. The recommended length for such a report at Higher Level is 1,200 – 1,500 words.
At Ordinary Level the above divisions apply, though the style of questioning is suitably different, with less emphasis on the extended essay.
5th Year
From September – December 2021: European History - Dictatorship and Democracy 1920 - 1945”
From January - May 2022: Irish History - “The Pursuit of Sovereignty and the Impact of Partition, 1912-1949”
An ongoing topic will be the essay section of the RSR, which will be completed by the end of March 2022
6th Year
From September – October Mid Term 2021: Irish History - Politics and Society in Northern Ireland, 1949-1999 (Documents Based Question)
From November 2021 – Mock Exams February 2022: European History “The United States and the World, 1945-1989,”
From February – May 2022 – Consolidation of the entire course.
An ongoing topic will be the remainder of the RSR which will be completed by end of April 2022
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