Admissions Updates
Tuesday 12 November 2024 1st Year 2025 - Day school applications We have offered places into 1st Year 2025 and are operating a busy waiting list. Please contact Admissions for further information.
Wednesday 1 February 2023 Important Information If you have previously submitted a paper registration form in relation to 1st Year in a future year (and have received a letter acknowledging receipt) there is no requirement to complete an online registration form for that child. We will upload the information onto the online platform and communicate with you when that has taken place. You are welcome to submit online registration forms for other children who are not yet registered.
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Wesley College Admissions Policy complies with The Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018.
If you already have an online admissions account, you can log in here:
If you are an agent and wish to submit an application, please use the following link
(click on “sign in”, top right and choose the agent option if you already have an agent account, or alternatively click on “Register” top right and choose the agent option if you wish to set up an agent account):
Entry to Wesley College, Dublin into 1st Year
Parents/Guardians are welcome to submit a Registration Form for day places in 1st Year for future years.
If you submit a Registration Form for a place into 1st Year you will be contacted one year prior to the year of entry and asked to complete an Application Form at that stage.
1st Year Day School Registration
If you are interested in a 1st Year boarding place for future years, please complete the Application Form, at the following link: (please note applications for the boarding department can be made in advance of the dates listed for day places in the Admissions notice)
Entry to Wesley College, Dublin into years 2 - 6
Prior to completing an Application Form for a place in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 parents/guardians must contact the College using our enquiry form below or by emailing or calling the College, to check on availability of places in the relevant year group
Should you wish to apply for a boarding or day place in year groups 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 please find a link to an application form below.
2nd to 6th year Application Form (Day or Boarding)
Entry to Wesley College, Dublin, Preparatory Department
To register your interest in a place in the Preparatory Department (equivalent of 6th class in Primary school), please complete a registration form. We will contact all those who register an interest in the Preparatory Department to request completion of a formal Application form one year in advance of entry.
Preparatory Department Registration Form
Should you have an enquiry regarding Admissions or wish to enquire about a place in the current academic year, please complete an enquiry form and a member of the Admissions Team will contact you.
In line with current legislation an Annual Admission Notice is published on the College website each September with details of the application process for the following academic year. This contains details of application and decision dates, numbers of places available/applications received and the number of places offered.
Queries relating to Admissions should be directed to:
Wesley College Admission Policy